Notes on Blindness
Notes on Blindness, 2014
Plato's parable which likens the human existence to the existence of prisoners of dark cavern contains multiple philosophical meanings. It focuses on the problematic thoughts of the philosopher, his conception of the world, a man and cognition. As physical beings we belong to the material world. This is why the body is the source of our imperfections, that it is a chain binding us with the world seemingly, because the reality of material objects is not the true reality. Items belonging to the world of the senses arise, modify and die. They are imperfect. Perfection is by nature eternal and immutable, there are no limits in time and space. It is above the world of the senses, immaterial realm of eternal and unchanging ideas. Only ideas really exist. Carnal things arise and pass away, there are between existence and non-existence and they have no existence of their own, their existence depends on the idea. Impressing in the material ideas is the source of the material things. But the material is fleeting, deformed and decomposed.
Plato's position is referred to as objective idealism. As a spiritual being exists outside man, and regardless of his consciousness has an intrinsic existence. The spiritual reality is the proper object of man and the one who is confined to physical existence closes in the world apparently. His life is barbarian, taking illusions, the shadows for reality exists submitting opinion on the truth and evil over good. Not attached to the world of things sensual passions in control of their own needs, overcoming his physical nature.